We will develop responsible, critical thinkers who will make productive contributions to the community as lifelong learners. We will accomplish this through rigorous and relevant academics integrated with real life discovery, awareness and application.
* Check here for RFQs **
Girard City School District
Title IX Coordinator
Mrs. Julianne Ware
100 W. Main St. Suite 2
Girard Ohio 44420
Title IX Foundations And Basic Commitments Policy
HB33 states that parents are to be notified of State Assessment Scores by June 30. These scores will be posted on our secure ParentAccess portal. Please set up your child’s account now so that you will be able to view their scores using a Web Browser or Mobile App (make sure your phone has been updated to the latest IOS). Scores will be posted prior to June 30, 2024. You will be notified once scores have been posted to ParentAccess.
The ParentAccess link can be found on our website www.girardcityschools.org under the Parents & Students tile. Click on Sign up and insert all of the correct information to register.
Click here on how to set Frontline Progressbook Parent and Student Mobile App
Performance Level Key
1 = Limited
2 = Basic
3 = Proficient
4 = Accomplished
5 = Advanced
The recently passed American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides substantial federal resources to support states and local school districts. As a result, local school districts are required to develop a plan, which details the safe return to instruction and the continuity of services. This plan is developed with current and future stakeholder feedback and will be monitored and revised based on ongoing review through September 30, 2023.
Click here for the GCS Continuity Plan. Additionally, click here to provide feedback which will be considered as this plan is reviewed and revised.
Social Emotional and Mental Health
Acknowledge, Care, Tell (A.C.T) Video
Apply for Free/Reduced Lunch and pay for your students lunch online.
Click here to Register for Payschools Central